Hypoplasia of Uterus and Homoeopathy Treatment

Uterine hypoplasia also known as naïve uterus or infantile uterus or underdeveloped uterus or small uterus is a reproductive disorder characterized by hypoplasia of the uterus.

Hypoplasia of uterus is congenital disorder i.e. a girl is born with a abnormally small uterus. Cause of this abnormal foetal development is not known.


  1. Hypoplastic uterus may be one symptom of a broader condition known as Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser syndrome, a disorder in which girls uterus and vagina are absent or underdeveloped in addition to other abnormalities.
  2. Insufficient development of female sex hormones leads to pubertal failure or hypogonadism


  1. Failure to start having periods at puberty.(Primary amenorrhea)
  2. Abdominal pain.
  3. A small or no vaginal opening.
  4. Infertility.
  5. Secondary sexual characters are present, suggesting that normal ovarian activity may also be present.

Diagnosis and tests:

Because the outer genitals appear normal, the condition is often not diagnosed until puberty, when a girl fails to start having periods and visit her doctor.

  1. Blood tests:
    To test for Myer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser syndrome.
  2. Ultrasound to obtain images of the reproductive organs.
  3. Magnetic resonance imaging for more detailed images of the reproductive tract

Treatment and care:

Treatment depends on the individual and her symptoms

Homoeopathic approach towards Hypoplasia of uterus:

Constitutional homoeopathic treatment in all female disorders based on an individual symptoms, conditions and body constitution, factors that may aggravate or ameliorate the symptoms, food preferences, weather preferences, medical history, past and family history, personality, behavior of the patient i.e. mental and emotional symptoms plays important role in remedy selection.

A case of hypoplastic uterus with nasal polyp

On 27th of November 2018 a 17 yr old female presented with c/o of primary amenorrhea and a sonography report which states that the uterus is hypoplastic for age and was under treatment of a gynecologists’ for the past 2 yrs for the same. Along with this she also had complaints of recurrent cold and coryza with nasal blockage which is apparently more at night in lying down position, sneezing which is aggravated by dust, smoke, cold food and drink with feverish feeling and bodyache . On examination it was known that she also had a left sided nasal polyp. Family history revealed that her father had allergic rhinitis and mother had joint pains. Past history details showed her to have suffered from mumps and chicken pox in her childhood. Personal history characteristics included a strong craving for spicy and aversion to sweet and sour. On the basis of totality Calcarean Carb 200, 3 doses were prescribed. Following which in January she developed herpetic eruptions over the scapular region and on the basis of the current totality pulsatile 200, 3 doses were prescribed. On 25th February 2019 she got her periods, first as spotting for 2 days and then continuous bleeding for 3 days. A follow up sonography was advised in which the report showed normal uterine size as per her age and since then the patient had a regular menstrual cycle. Also her complaints of allergic cold coryza reduced.